Cafe de Finca and CUPRA join forces to create CUPRA Unconventional blend, a carefully selected speciality coffee that represents the values of both brands.
With this coffee, freshly roasted in Barcelona, we welcome you to the CUPRA tribe.You can use this widget to input text into the page.
Café de Finca is known for its dedication to quality and sustainability in specialty coffee.
They share our vision of shaking things up and creating experiences that spark emotions. With a unique mix of flavors and values, both brands capture the essence of inspiration from Barcelona.

The Caturra-Castillo variety, grown at 1700 meters and processed with washing, is a coffee produced by the nonprofit cooperative Ally. This cooperative brings together about 8,000 members across various coffee-growing municipalities and is committed to social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic responsibility.
Santa Cecilia Farm in Carmo do Paranaiba, Cerrado Mineiro, Minas Gerais, benefits from its 1061-meter altitude and humid subtropical climate. It promotes growth through good practices and education for employees and their families. Certified by Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified, its Environmental Plan aims to balance technical and economic development with environmental protection.