
All the products sold in the CUPRA Shop are sent by our sellers, and therefore each one has their own shipping conditions. For further information about the seller's shipping conditions, select the seller's name, shown with an info-2.png,  on the product details page or in the section "Our Sellers" at the foot of the page.

  • Home deliveries only

Deliveries available for EU Countries (Except for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Germany* and Austria). 

  • For shipments to Germany, please visit the website >
  • For shipments to Spain, please visit the website >
  • For shipments to Italy, please visit the  website >
  • Free delivery available (see table below)
  • All shipping costs are independent for each seller. Check the conditions below
  • PLAYSEAT does NOT ships to islands. Exluding Balearic Islands (Spain).
  • See Café de Finca shipping details on their sale conditions.


 Shipping costs per seller  
 Country Essentials - Audes Mikakus Gobik LGR PLAYSEAT HEVÒ
Belgium Free shipping over 100€ 9€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping 

Free shipping over 100€

(15€ orders under 100€)

Free shipping 87,93€ Free shipping



Croacia 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
Czech Republic 6,50€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 92,03€
Denmark 8€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 92,03€
Estonia 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
Finland 8€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
France 14,07€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping  90,29€
Greece 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 358,96€
Hungary 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 209,75€
Ireland 6,50€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
Italy 5€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping 95,58€
Latvia 6,50€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
Lithuania 6,50€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 185,01€
Luxembourg 6,50€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping 92,03€
Malta 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 561,79€
Netherlands 15,12€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping 92,03€
Poland 15,12€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 90,87€
Portugal 6,50€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping Free shipping  43,56€
Romania 8€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € Free shipping over 100€
(15€ orders under 100€)
Slovakia 9€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 115,58€
Slovenia 8€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 € 115,58€
Spain 6,50€ (orders under 100€) Free shipping Free shipping 

Peninsula: 33,88€

Mallorca: 67,76€

Men, Ibz, For: 76,23€

Sweden 8€ (orders under 100€) 5,99 €

5€ over 100€ 

(15€ orders under 100€)




For further information about the seller's return policy, select the seller's name, shown with an info-1.png, on the product details page or in the section "Our Sellers" at the foot of the page. On this page you can access information about the seller's refunds and returns policy, shipping costs and their contact information.

Remember that the law gives customers from the European Union the right to withdraw from the purchase within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the product. For further information, consult your legal rights as a customer. It is possible that some of our sellers may have a longer withdrawal period. To confirm this, you should go to their information page.

To return a purchase, you should submit one form for each product that you have purchased from a different seller. To access the forms, click on the seller in question.

Returns GOBIK
Returns L.G.R
Returns MIKAKUS Barcelona
Returns HEVÒ
Returns MAM
Returns MARSET

Legal guarantee

The products offered by the sellers at CUPRA Shop have a two-year guarantee for products delivered after January 2022. If the product received is not compliant because, for example, it does not match the description or it is defective, the seller is obliged to offer the option to repair, replace or reimburse the product free of charge (including costs of return). However, after the first two years following delivery of the product, the seller may require evidence that the non-compliance is the result of a manufacturing defect and not due to accident, misuse, contact with liquid, etc.